
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Starry Sky episode 3

Precious moments have to be tightly locked in our eyes…
So that we can never forget them
-Starry Sky

First thing that I’d noticed, LAVI WAS TALKING TO IZAYA!? Yeah, I was imagining it. Okay let’s start my review with another character introduction.

Let’s introduce our Aquarius buddy, Tsubasa Amaha. When I saw the flashback of his life, I thought he is cold-hearted because of that eyes but it became that the personality he have is the one I like the most! He is really like Lavi Bookman. An inventor Lavi! We have the prince, so now we have the happy go lucky type. It is like a host club, I think…
To those who love Lavi, you’ll really love his personality.

Now back to the episode, this is one of my favorite episodes of starry Sky. It is also past pacing but I still love it. After all, 2 of my favorite seiyuus are in one episode. I still can’t imagine Izaya being a good boy like Azusa. *Sigh* He really has a big impact on me. I also love the uniform of this school, even though Tsubasa was using a different style of unifom, it still suits him. I am also easily getting tricked by the drawings. I am good at knowing the characters in first sight but my predictions for Yoh and Tsubasa are wrong. Well, all in all, the episode is so jolly that I recommend it. I’ll give 5 marshmallows!!

Here are some snapshots:

Starry Sky Episode 4 coming soon!!

Starry Sky Episode 2

I’ve once found again my brightest star
That strong yet gentle great radiance
In such limited amount of time, what exactly can I accomplish?
-Yoh Tomou

The second episode is still about our Capricorn prince. The story is so past pacing but I can understand the story completely. I’ve becoming to like our prince because of his flirty attitude and some of his French words.

Every episode of Starry Sky is so fast. This episode is still full of sweetness and some fan service. I’ve been trying not to put some spoiler here or review some things that will exceed on my ‘review’ meter, so I’ll just put some WARNING signs if I’ll put some spoilers.

Here are some snapshots:

I can’t help but remember Mira of Papa to kiss in the dark because of Yoh’s voice. Augh! My shoulder really hurts in making 7 paper maches for our Field Demo. Ja ne for now^^

Starry Sky episode 3 coming up!!

Starry Sky Episode 1

Let’s welcome our Capricorn, Tomoe Yoh or let’s say Henri Samuel Jean Aimee. Kind, soft-hearted and calm is the first three words that I can describe him. When I first saw him, I thought he is cold-hearted but the truth is he is a typical prince that you can see in every shoujo manga. After all, a shoujo manga/anime love triangle can’t be complete without personalities like that. It’s not like I hate him or his personalities but it is kinda cliché to see them wherever I go (or let’s say read). I will really love his personality if I will see that he will kill just for the woman he loves. Ooh! So sadistic and possessive. But it is really impossible. Well, all in all, if he is not in the story, Starry Sky will not be complete.

Just like the comment I saw in Youtube, Starry Sky is hot…and cliché. I am really expecting a so cliché beginning like childhood friends or a person helps you when you are still a wimpy kid and become in love with him or her. I will really not continue to watch this anime if the beginning of the story is about the girl being an alien or she falls from the sky etc…etc…and etc… After all, that cliché type of beginning the story helps the story to build an ambiance of romance.

I really love on how they use Stars or constellation in the story. It is every girl dreams to have 12 bishounens are gaga over you. It is great that they introduce characters every episode and it is a good point. What I hate about the anime is that they just properly drew the important characters while the supporting are just briefly made.

In this episode, Yoh found his long lost love in an all-boys school before and now a co-ed. It is full of bishie-ness and marshmallows, candies, ice cream all of the sweet things and of course….Stars. All in all, love the story for a teenager like me.

Here are some of the snapshots.

Okay, the ending song is kinda…short and boring. I love the melody but there are no lyrics. For this episode, I’ll give a 4 marshmallows(That’s my term for stars). Next episode coming soon!

New Zodiac Sign, New Anime

Several colors which are totally different and
Fostered at each places will gather in this
blue sky before long, become
richly colored rainbows
- Starry Sky

Well, this addiction started when I saw the site I was just interested in Lucky dog 1 BL game that has a review on her site. I just do some ‘trying’ in her site and saw this 12 cute bishounens (or lets say 13 ‘cause first, I thought that the girl there is also a boy.) calendars. Good thing is that, I been looking for 2011 calendar so I can keep one in my bag for personal purposes. So, I search something about it and I just learned that it is an anime. (Sadly it is not a BL) I recommend all of you to try it, especially if you’re interested in reversed harem. After all, before this yaoi addiction is a reversed harem addiction.

I think that this is a game first before it became an anime. I just saw this PV in the net and have a hypothesis like that.

Their seiyuus are all great. Most of them are my oh so wonderful seiyuus that I’ve been gaga for a long time.

Tsukiko Yahisa- seiyuu: Fumiko Orikasa
Yoh Tomoe- seiyuu: Hikaru Midorikawa(voiced Edgar J.C. Ashenbert in Hakushaku to Yosei)
Kanata Nanami- seiyuu:  Tomokazu Sugita
Suzuya Tohzuki- seiyuu: Daisuke Ono (voiced Sebastian Michaelis of Kuroshitsuji)
Homare Kanakubo- seiyuu: Souichiro Hoshi
Ryunosuke Miyaji- seiyuu: Hiroshi Kamiya (voiced Izaya Orihara of Durarara)
Azusa Kinose-seiyuu: Jun Fukuyama (voiced Lelouch vi Britannia of Code Geass)
Iku Mizushima- seiyuu: Kouj Yusa
Naoshi Haruki: seiyuu: Daisuke Kishio
Koutarou Hoshizuki- seiyuu: Akira Ishida
Tsubasa Amaha- seiyuu: Kenichi Suzumura (voiced Lavi Bookman of D. Gray-man)
Kazuki Shiranui- seiyuu: Yuichi Nakamura
Hayato Aozora- seiyuu: Daisuke Hirakawa(voiced Julio Chesare of Zero no Tsukaima)

I am really happy that the girl protagonist is not the kind of ‘mary sue’ girl and that’s one of the good points of the anime. I will review all of the episode of starry sky even with a hectic schedule. Oh! I almost forgot, it is about the new zodiac sign. If there is another one, then there is another person that will enter starry sky? Haha impossible I think, but it is not bad to dream about it right? Don’t forgot to visit

Ja ne~